Fred and I did have a brief chat on the way, talking through some options if he found things were getting difficult. I'm so pleased it all went well - as we left he said it had been a great day (this gave me a warm fuzzy feeling!).
Aside from the little playground, big playground, soft play and dressing up, there were some activities on offer. The kids didn't want to do belly dancing or owl pellet dissecting. Betsy and Meg did tree faces from clay and found woodland items (leaves, sticks, acorns etc). It was such a cool idea, and I'm going to buy some clay for us to do this in our local woods.
The girls also did my craft session, the arm print trees and the leaf monsters we tested out yesterday.
Freddie decided not to do any of the activities, and played, played and played some more. He and his friends played an elaborate game where he was a king, who was eventually overthrown and then evolved into a guard dog. The game wended it's way inside and out, through the fire pit area, soft play, the woodland. He was so busy he didn't have lunch until he got in the car at 3.30.
Betsy also had friends to play with, and was off in the woods for a lot of the time.
Meg still isn't 100%. She's much better than yesterday, and lasted until about 2.30 before she said she wanted to go home. She went to bed at 6pm - here's hoping the long sleep helps her feel better tomorrow.
Betsy lost a tooth today, and swallowed it while eating a cookie. Whoops!
I've been trying to pack, as we go away for a few days in the morning. I think it's going to be a mad dash getting everything ready to leave first thing....