Betsy and Meg painted the wooden acorns a couple of years ago.
I love the gnomes and the felted toadstool!
Meg has played with it most days.
I helped Betsy to sort out her game design paperwork. She weeded out the rejects, and we put the rest in a box. There are pages and pages and pages! Here is a tiny sample. So much time has gone into the process.
I'd done a bit of activity preparation at the weekend, and when we hit a quiet spot I offered these really cool Pokemon kaleidoscope paper toys. Betsy loved them. They were quite a challenge to colour in.
She did a word search with some tricky words (about life processes).
Betsy and Meg did a habitat game, trying to identify the right habitat for various creatures.
On Tuesday we went to Mead Open Farm. It was gloriously empty! They played inside, went on the sky trail, bounced on the pillow, fed the goats and alpacas, and had MASSIVE ice creams (well, the girls did, Fred had a Magnum!). It was a really lovely day. They get on so well, it's such a pleasure to watch them.
(I've gone a bit slo-mo video-tastic).
On Wednesday was the usual swimming/diving/parkour, though excitingly Fred and Betsy did a pencil jump from the second highest board. They are very brave! I did a bit of knitting, and Meg (who does a fair bit of waiting around when the others are diving) did some artwork on her ipad.
We stayed home on Thursday. Betsy and Fred played Minecraft on the PS3 together, and there was lots of 3 way playing of Roblox.
On Friday Fred had a very very good haircut. How handsome...?!
Some new (second hand) clothes arrived for the girls. Meg wore her new skirt to town, along with some tap shoes given to her by a neighbour. I ended up giving her a piggy back home as they hurt her feet, but she was so happy when we set off that it was worth it.
Check out how flippy and swishy the skirt is!
On Saturday we went to my Nan's for her 90th birthday party. She has Alzheimers, and was rather confused about why she had a house full of people. She enjoyed it though. Rob and the kids popped out to a couple of local parks during the afternoon, partly to avoid overwhelm for Nan, and for the kids.
Nan lives quite near Heathrow Airport, and is directly under the flight path. I grew up in the same area, and planes were just a feature of everyday life. It was funny to see how excited the kids were as the planes came over!
We're going to the Great Fire of London exhibition tomorrow, looking forward to it!