Anyway, here's a quick overview of the missing weeks.
We went to Archie's birthday party. It had a knights, princesses and dragon theme. Freddie dressed up as a dragon as part of a game.
The day after was a return to preschool for Betsy. Except she realllllly didn't want to go. So, with relief all round she's no longer attending. To celebrate we went to a huge soft play centre in Milton Keynes. It has a carousel, bumper cars, a 'play street' with a pizza parlour, a vet and supermarket, and a brilliant outdoor bit with a big sandpit and pedal boats. We were there for hours, the kids loved it.
At our home ed co-op this week we played outside a lot. Sujoya brought skipping ropes and she used them to great effect to teach crescendo and diminuendo. Brilliant. Joelle led a game of post and starboard and the kids loved this.
On the Thursday we released the butterflies into the garden. As each one flew out we ooohed and ahhed like it was a fireworks display!
There was a free taster day run by Heroes, at the old Shire Horse Centre in Maidenhead. Such a great place for a home ed centre - totally secure so the kids can roam, playground, different sessions (yoga and art when we went), and best of all small animals to help look after. I barely saw Freddie. He was cleaning out the guinea pig hutches! Betsy made best friends with a lovely 11 (ish) year old.
I'd love to go every week, but the diesal is so expensive, plus it's £12 per family. I've offered to be a helper as they waive the cost, but I haven't heard back.
At the weekend we went to the theatre to see Peppa Pig. We had a ticket for Freddie but he decided not to go. Betsy was very excited. She stayed until near the end, then decided that was enough.
The next week was all about getting ready for camping! We did get out a couple of times - to Mel's for an afternoon, and to the zoo for a couple of hours.
We skipped the co-op, and I packed and sorted. We went to the first Natural Mamas Big Camp on Friday. It was freezing but excellent. Seeing all the wraps and babies was wonderful.
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