Well, it's 2012. Rob is 41 tomorrow, I'm 39 next week. It's the year of the Olympics. It doesn't feel that long ago London won the bid, but Freddie was a new born then and he's 6 now! Pah to time moving, I can't keep up (a sure sign of age....)
Anyway, today started with a very beautiful pink sunrise.

We had to be up and about early (for us early, not so for others! I set my alarm for 7.45). We were off on a trip to the Brooklands museum in Surrey. It's full of old aeroplanes and cars, and is the home of Concorde.
We went with our home ed group. We've tweaked how we do things now, and focus on an area every month to explore. January is transport, so today we had a day trip, and our other meetings we'll do lots of different activities on the theme.

It was lovely to see everyone again. The kids seemed to enjoy meeting up again, Freddie was especially pleased to hang out with Archie. We walked around the aircraft hanger - Rob would have loved to see the old war planes. We saw a Vickers Wellington - over 1000 were built but only 2 have survived.
Then we went to the education room, with bits and bobs the kids could play with and explore.

After lunch we went to the Formula 1 exhibition. The kids had a sit in the Maclaren F1 car, one of the famous red F1 cars I remember seeing on the TV. The grown ups had a go 'driving' a modern F1 car round a computer track. You could tell the mums that played Mario Kart at home!

Then - very very exciting - we went on Concorde. Concorde was a big part of my life, living under the flight path. It flew over twice a day, unbelievably loud, and we always stopped what we were doing to watch this amazing machine.

I'm now even more in awe. It flew at 1350 miles an hour! 2.5 seconds per mile! Oh my god! Freddie loved it, and the fact it flew on the edge of the atmosphere.

Check out the wing!
And see how at home Meg looks on board. Destined for great things I think ;-)
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