The big kids came with me to my dentists appointment this morning. I haven't been since I was about 6 months pregnant with Meg (whoops). The dentist was lovely and happy for the kids to watch. When I was finished Betsy wanted to have her teeth checked, so she sat on my lap and the dentist used her mirror to count Betsy's teeth. Yay! Her first check up. Freddie declined. Oh well, maybe next time.
This afternoon Betsy had her preschool booster jabs. She was so brave. To celebrate no more jabs till 11+ we bought a Dora the Explorer magazine and a big bag of Smarties.

While we were out Freddie did some man jobs - sawing in the garden while Rob fitted the roof box.

When we got back he washed the car.

Meg is teething, adding to our day of sharp things of a dentist pokey thing (what is it called?), syringe needle, a saw, a drill (for the roof box fitting), and shiny new top teeth.
Hope we have a day of soft things tomorrow.
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