Freddie made this - a machine invention:
After lunch we left Rob to listen to the football and do some jobs around the house, and went to the Ashridge Estate to meet up with mum and Chris.
Betsy fell asleep on the way, and stayed asleep for ages.
Luckily we parked here so could play in the woods but be near the car if she woke.
While Betsy was sleeping Freddie collected lots of firewood to make a fire to go up into space.
Meg toodled about on the blanket, eating twigs and grabbing the camera.
Mum and Chris arrived, bringing Freda. Freddie took Freda for a walk in the woods (with mum holding a secondary lead *just*in*case* Freda bolted.
Eventually we woke Betsy up so we could go in search of ice cream. We found some bluebells too, in full flower slightly early as the weather has been so warm.
It was a lovely afternoon.
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