Whoof it's been a long few days. Freddie was superduper rough on Wednesday. He was a lot better on Thursday but a long way from right. He was up for more than lying on the sofa though. So, we had playdough, a Kung Fu Panda comic, a Peppa Pig board game and some Jarvis time

On Friday it was our darling Meg's 1st birthday. I can't quite believe this, but there it is.
The day wasn't what I had planned (Bucks Goat Centre, or Whizz Kids if it was wet). The kids opened her presents. We made her some felted balls.

Mum came over, and Tor and Jarvis, and we had cake.

We'll give her a birthday day out another time, when all chicken pox has left the house.
On Saturday morning we had some rare visitors to the front garden. We live next to the canal, but have had ducks come by only a couple of times. Today we had 6! They beetled around the place for a while, eating the shrubs and the seeds that have fallen from bird feeder.
They were scared away by a dog. We had really enjoyed watching them.

Today Rob went to allotment. He was there for a couple of hours, and came back laden down with serious goodies. Carrots, spinach, chard, red onions and strawberries. Amazing.

I made lunch - the small spinach and chard leaves for salad, some red onion, shop-bought tomatoes (fresh and sundried), cucumber, feta cheese. So delicious.

Strawberries for pudding!

It was so hot today. The kids played in the paddling pool, without bubbles then with bubbles.

Later we danced around to Paolo Noutini. Happy days!
Your photography is excellent - The orange on the carrots and the green hedge behind the ducks.
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