Freddie has quite a few spots already, Betsy has one or two. Meg is not herself so I suspect is coming down with it too.
We popped into town to get chicken pox provisions, and came home with Aloe Vera gel, cammomile tea bags (for the bath), liquid antihistamine, Calpol, rhus tox homeopathic remedy, magazines (Scooby Doo, kids TV mag and Mollie Makes for me!) and chocolate.
On the way home we finally saw the swan and her cygnet. This is a sad story. Her mate was killed a couple of months ago, hit by a truck as he flew over the bridge. Unfortunately she was incubating her eggs, and had to keep leaving the nest to eat. I didn't think any of the eggs would hatch, but one did.
We made some bubble mix using the directions from this blog at It seems a little thin to me - maybe something is lost when replacing corn syrup with glycerine - so might tweak the recipe a bit. Freddie liked it, Betsy hasn't mastered the blowing techneique yet.
Betsy had a 'busy' day, and came up with all sorts of ideas to occupy herself. The one she spent the most time on was cleaning the windows and patio with a waterbomb ball.
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