Freddie was given a seriously cool camera from mum, Chris, Tom and nan for his birthday. He loves it, and has a great eye for photographs. I'll do a 'Fred's pics' blog post in the next week or so.
There was a very fine steam train in the visitors centre, that used to be for VIPs - Chuchill and Eisenhower both travelled on it. It had a fridge, with this sign on the outside - I guess it was a very early model:
Here is a rubbish photo of inside one of the carriages (from outside, hence the reflections)
I didn't check the weather before we left, and assumed it would be like the day before, warm and sunny. This was not the case. So I took sunhats and factor 50, and left the raincoats and extra jumpers at home. Poor Betsy was freezing. Thanl goodness there was a blanket in the car.
Meg was warm enough in her wrap!
Freddie was delighted to find a model railway set up outside, belonging to a very patient and generous man willing to let anyone play with it for as long as they liked. A loooonnnng time in Freddie's case!
He was persuaed away not by lunch (which he was too busy for), but a ride or 4 on the miniature railway.
Then we had time for a ride on the big stream train before heading home. It was a really lovely day.
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