Wednesday 4 September 2013

Not back to school day

I'll be honest, it didn't start that well.  For no reason I can put my finger on, I was grumpy.  When Meg didn't quite make it to the loo and did a wee on the floor, I cried.  For about 15 minutes.  Oh!

Thankfully my mood - and so the day - improved slowly over the morning, and by lunch the emotional weather was much better.  It's hard though, when you're home edding it can feel like there's nowhere to hide.

Betsy made a girls clubhouse in the garden.  She and Meg took the Nexus out there and watched some Peppa Pig episodes on youtube, and did some colouring.  Betsy had her lunch out there too.

After lunch we'd been invited to visit one of our home ed friends Olly at his dad's place.  He's just moved onto a farmer's piece of unworked land.  He is an experienced permaculture gardener and is going to work the bit of land in return for rent. He has such a great vision and it will be fascinating to see how his project develops.

The kids really enjoyed the visit.  Betsy and Meg made sculptures with the rubble, Freddie was shown how to use a pick axe (safely!).  I was interested in the cooking/firepit.  The girls and I picked blackberries, while Freddie and Olly discussed Minecraft, a mutual passion.
It was a gloriously hot day, and a great afternoon.

 Betsy's chair:

Meg's toy house:

The kids found a caterpillar:

 The nearby neighbours!

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