Thursday 2 April 2015

Dry ice fun

Zoe hosted a dry ice workshop in her garden today.  Lots of families came, and it was a busy, fun few hours.  The weather was kind to us - no wind or rain.

Zoe showed the kids the different experiments and activities they could do, and told them not to handle the dry ice without gloves.  It's extremely cold, -79 Celsius.

The kids mixed it with water to make a witches brew, and added washing up liquid to make loads of dry ice-filled bubbles.

They made self-inflating balloons.  Angela added hot water from the kettle (rather than warm water) and the reaction was much stronger!

I'd brought some vanilla milkshake, and Betsy and Meg mixed it with dry ice to make ice cream. It was delicious, we all had a taste before Betsy ate it for lunch.

After lunch we did water bottle rockets.  This was awesome.  Zoe did a demonstration, the kids loved it and all started shouting 'me me me' and holding their bottles in the air.  It was very funny!

The kids got into a queue (by height order!), and everyone had their bottle shoot into the air. The bottles are unpredictable in where they go, adding to the sense of drama.

After this the kids dispersed either to the woods behind the garden, or into the house to play with the Play Mobil.

We stuck around for a while after most of the families had gone home, and walked along see the newborn lambs in Zoe's neighbours field.

Meg and I admired the lovely tiny leaves on the trees.

Home now.  Betsy is playing Minecraft mini games, Fred is playing GTA5, Meg is playing in the garden with her friend Teddy.  I've got that Friday feeling as Rob's off for the next four days - hooray for Easter!

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